Learning Library Quick Answers Financial Aid Planning

What is the average student loan debt of students who graduate?

Answer: Other factors to consider when comparing college aid offers are total expected debt burden based on expected family contri....

What is the best way to estimate the value of rental properties and second homes for the FAFSA?

Answer: Properties are listed on the FAFSA and Profile at their market values (if forced to sell within 30 days and net of debt ag....

What is the deadline by which the FAFSA must be filed to get the loan application processed?

Scenario: A client chose not to file the FAFSA because they have large K1s that come in late March and their income is $470,000 a ....

What is the deadline for filing the FAFSA?

Answer: The FAFSA can be completed as early as October 1st. However, some schools have absolute deadlines sometimes as early as F....

What is the difference between an asset and a resource?

Answer: An asset is listed on the FAFSA or Profile and is assessed at 5.6% for parents (5.0% for the Profile) and 20% for students....