Learning Library Quick Answers Financial Aid Planning

What is the difference between untaxed income and income exclusions in the EFC formula?

Answer: Untaxed income are items included on Worksheets A and B of the FAFSA. It is income that is not taxed that is included in f....

What is the effect on financial aid when a client is separated but files taxes as married filed jointly

Scenario: The client is separated but files taxes as married filed jointly.What will the effect be on financial aid if a custodial....

What is the financial aid deadline for students entering college in the middle of the semester?

Scenario: If a client enrolls on January 2nd of the school year instead of September, what is the financial aid deadline? Answer: ....

What is the impact of a student's siblings assets on the FAFSA and Profile forms?

Answer: No impact for FAFSA. They are counted as parent assets on Profile. ....

What is the impact on financial aid if one parent is not an U.S. citizen?

Scenario: If one parent is not an U.S. citizen, what is the impact on financial aid and does it differ for FAFSA versus Profile? A....