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It's been forecasted for decades that the death of the solo advisor is on the horizon. Many advisors feel it. Especially with robos and other technology. Many advisors are looking at moving to a larger firm or merging with others.

Back in January Michael Kitces talks about the "Golden Age of the (Focused) Solo Advisor in one of his "Office Hours". He goes deep on what the Solo-Advisor should focus on and opines that it might not be all doom and gloom for the Solo-Advisor.

As a marketing guy, I particularly like the focus on "differentiating" and the fact that the Association of Certified College Funding Specialist offers a perfect solution that advisors can use to be different than others in the market by using the college funding niche.

Check out his video. I start it at the "differentiating" part, but I recommend to take the time to watch the whole thing. Here is Michael's original post.

Posted by Josh Miner

Involved in the financial services industry for over twenty years, Josh is a nationally known sales and marketing coach for financial advisors and Managing Partner of Spike Sales, LLC, located in Dana Point, California.

Spike Sales provides comprehensive sales and marketing solutions for financial professionals. Josh has been a speaker and content provider for the ACCFS and is our Executive Director. The ACCFS partners with Spike Sales to handle the management of the day to day business functions. Spike Sales handles member support, web technology management, business development and many other valuable functions needed in today's ever-changing marketplace.