College essays are critical for your families’ kids to get into their target schools and earn scholarships. Yet, most students struggle with their essays – writing about uncompelling content and using a poor structure. Our new partner, Prompt, is the easiest way to provide your families with affordable, expert support on essays.
Prompt has reviewed tens of thousands of college essays, helping thousands of students gain acceptance to their dream schools while earning millions in scholarships. All you need to do is take one minute to create an account with Prompt, offer essay review packages to your families, and let Prompt’s team of Essay Specialists handle the rest.
I did a quick interview with Brad Schiller, Prompt’s CEO. Check it out and then use the steps below to get started.
Below are the steps to take to get started or click here to watch this 3-minute getting started video or click here for a step-by-step getting started guide.
Step 1: Click here and then click “set up your account in 1 minute”
Step 2: Fill in your information (company name, your name, your email, password)
Step 3: Tell your families about Prompt. Here’s a brochure, getting started guide, and getting started video you can use with your families. You can also view a one-page brochure that contains Prompt’s pricing for financial professionals by clicking here.
Step 4: Add your families. Add both students and parents so they can collaborate on their essays within Prompt.
Step 5: Select who will pay. You can either use Prompt as a loss leader (e.g., $150 for 3 essay review credits), make money (e.g., $100+ per student) by using Prompt’s recommended pricing, selecting an essay review package, and collecting the funds, OR provide your Prompt pricing to your families (30%+ discount).
Step 6: You’re done! Prompt will send an invite to your families and take it from here. You can check up on your families progress within Prompt if you desire.
If you have any questions, you should set up a 15-minute call with the Prompt team by clicking here, call Prompt at 844-577-6678, email Prompt at sales@prompt.com, or chat with Prompt by clicking here and then clicking the circle icon in the lower right.
Posted by Josh Miner
Spike Sales provides comprehensive sales and marketing solutions for financial professionals. Josh has been a speaker and content provider for the ACCFS and is our Executive Director. The ACCFS partners with Spike Sales to handle the management of the day to day business functions. Spike Sales handles member support, web technology management, business development and many other valuable functions needed in today's ever-changing marketplace.